The Scientific Committee is tasked by the Convention to: (a) Assess and analyse the status and trends of the population of southern bluefin tuna; (b) Coordinate research and studies of southern bluefin tuna; (c) Report to the Commission its findings or conclusions, including consensus, majority and minority views, on the status of the southern bluefin tuna stock and, where appropriate, of ecologically related species; (d) Make recommendations, as appropriate, to the Commission by consensus on matters concerning the conservation, management and optimum utilisation of southern bluefin tuna; (e) Consider any matter referred to it by the Commission. and by the CCSBT's Rules of Proceedure to: Incorporate advice consistent with the precautionary approach in its advice to the Commission.
19th Meeting of the Scientific Committee incorporating the Extended Scientific Committee
31 Aug - 05 Sep 2014 - Auckland, New Zealand