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Commission for the Conservation of
Southern Bluefin Tuna
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Commission for the Conservation of
Southern Bluefin Tuna
Documents From Past Meetings
CCSBT 14 (2007) - ERSWG 7
CCSBT 14 (2007) - ERSWG 7
About the Commission
Origins of the Convention
The Commission's Role
Basic Documents
Becoming a Member of the CCSBT
About Southern Bluefin Tuna
Conservation and Management
Total Allowable Catch
Management Procedure
Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
Bycatch Mitigation
Operational Resolutions and other Important Documents
Vessels, Farms, and Ports
Designated Ports and Contacts
CCSBT authorised vessels
CCSBT authorised farms
CCSBT active vessels
IUU Vessel lists
Stock Assessment and Science
Latest Stock Assessment
Scientific Process
Ecologically Related Species
SBT Data
Data Submission Requirements
Meeting Schedule
Reports of Past Meetings
Documents From Past Meetings
Attendance by Observers
Annual Reporting & Documentation Requirements
01 - Draft Agenda
(43.5 KB)
02 - List of Participants
(35.59 KB)
03 - Draft List of Documents
(50 KB)
04 - (Secretariat) Review of items provided in Members reports to ERSWG7
(13.64 KB)
05 - (Secretariat) Update of RFMO Resolutions Concerning Incidental Catches of Ecologically Related Species
(12.52 KB)
06 - (Australia and New Zealand) A draft ERS WG recommendation on measures to reduce seabird bycatch in CCSBT for discussion at CCSBT-ERS-7
(70.44 KB)
07 - (New Zealand) Estimation of seabird captures in fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand
(45.86 KB)
08 - (Australia and New Zealand) A draft ERS recommendation on data collection and provision requirements in CCSBT for discussion at CCSBT-ERS-7
(82.38 KB)
09 - (Australia and New Zealand) A draft ERS recommendation on measures to ensure the conservation and management and sustainable use of sharks taken in SBT fisheries for discussion at CCSBT-ERS 7
(44.19 KB)
10 - (Australia) Review of International Instruments Relevant to Ecologically Related Species: changes since ERSWG 6
(117.3 KB)
14 - (Japan) Estimation of incidental take of seabirds in the Japanese southern bluefin tuna longline fishery in 2005 (Masashi Kiyota, Yukio Takeuchi)
(143.63 KB)
15 - (Japan) Comparison of CPUE standardization methods for the main pelagic shark species caught in the high sea SBT longline fishery (Hiroaki Matsunaga, Hiroshi Shono)
(198.57 KB)
16 - (Japan) Effective factors of tori-poles in reducing incidental catch of albatross in southern bluefin tuna longline fishery (Kosuke Yokota, Hiroshi Minami, Masashi Kiyota)
(239.5 KB)
17 - (Japan) Japanese research activities on the feeding ecology of southern bluefin tuna and by-catch species caught by Japanese longline (Tomoyuki Itoh)
(238.75 KB)
18 - (Japan) Note on large-scale environmental changes and its possible influence to ecosystems in the Southern Ocean (Mikio Naganobu)
(24.31 KB)
19 - (Japan) Estimation of fisheries bycatch and risk assessment for short-tailed albatross using a Bayesian state-space model (Hiroshi Okamura, Masashi Kiyota, Hiroyuki Kurota, Toshihide Kitakado)
(1.04 MB)
20 - (Japan) Draft recommendation to the Extended Commission on seabirds
(60.42 KB)
21 - (Japan) Draft recommendation to the Extended Commission on sharks which are caught in association with SBT fisheries
(55.16 KB)
22 - (Japan) Draft recommendation to the Extended Commission on interactions between ecologically related species with surface fisheries including SBT farming activities
(51.94 KB)
23 - (Japan) Guidance, extension and educational activities for reducing bycatch in longline fishery
(2.29 MB)
SBT Fisheries (New Zealand) - New Zealand Country Report: Ecologically related species in the New Zealand southern bluefin tuna longline fisheries, 2005 to 2006. Delegation of New Zealand
(126.79 KB)
SBT Fisheries (Australia) - Australian Country Report: Ecologically Related Species in the Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery
(3.44 MB)
SBT Fisheries (Japan) - National report of Japan: overview of researches on ecologically related species in Japanese SBT longline fishery, 2005
(282.42 KB)
SBT Fisheries (Taiwan) - National Report of Taiwan for Ecologically Related Species in 2004-2005 Fisheries Agency of Taiwan
(274.18 KB)
SBT Fisheries (Korea) - Annual Report of Korean SBT Longline Fishery, 2005 - 2006
(62.4 KB)
BGD 01 - (New Zealand) CCSBT-ERS/0602/09 – Bull, L. S. A review of methodologies aimed at avoiding and/or mitigating incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries
(290.25 KB)
BGD 02 - (Australia) CCSBT-ERS/0602/04 Review of international instruments relevant to ecologically related species data requirements and recommendations for sharks and seabirds
(606.18 KB)
INFO 01 - (New Zealand) The development of reporting forms for reporting ERS data in New Zealand fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand
(251.14 KB)
INFO 02 - (New Zealand) A guide for the identification of ERS species in New Zealand fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand
(884.43 KB)
INFO 03 - (New Zealand) The resolution on sharks agreed by the WCPFC in 2006. Delegation of New Zealand
(23.18 KB)
INFO 04 - (New Zealand) The resolution on seabirds agreed by the WCPFC in 2006. Delegation of New Zealand
(32.16 KB)
INFO 05 - (New Zealand) The development of an NPOA - Sharks in New Zealand. Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand
(945.62 KB)
INFO 06 - (Australia) Australia's Threat Abatement Plan 2006 for the incidental catch (or bycatch) of seabirds during oceanic longline fishing operations
(118.11 KB)
INFO 07 - (Australia) The implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks – Australia
(184.25 KB)
INFO 09 - (Japan) Review of the Japanese RTMP observer program in the high sea waters in 2005 fishing year (Masashi Kiyota, Tomoyuki Itoh)
(139.65 KB)
INFO 10 - (Taiwan) Application of life history strategies in managing sharks, rays and skates (Xio-Zhen DAI and X.L. HUANG, N.Z. SHI, and I-Hsun NI)
(409.59 KB)
INFO 11 - (ACAP) Outcomes of ACAP’s Seabird Bycatch Working Group Meeting (Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels)
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